#1 Tank #2 Tank
A yellow background color indicates the part was added within the past 30 days.
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
T.O. 25 Lb'r aiming parts 620
T.O. 25 Lb'r inst. plates 619
T.O. 4 clip holder mount - sten gun 612
G158-012-4490* T.O. Box, throttle valve, assy - A975 engine C91125 2229C
T.O. Bracket, holding fire ext. (Double) 611
G104-010-0562* T.O. Elbow, carburetor to manifold - R975 Engine C95333 2229B
42-P-5347* N.O.S. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
NO 2 MK T.O. Pistol , signal flare 25MM MK2 608
T.O. Running back stop, cradle & recoil system 25 Lb'r 622
G104-010-2025* T.O. Scoop, air, carburetor - R975 engine D50207 2229
T.O. Storage box latch & chain 614
  • Shipping costs extra, sent according to size and weight, mail, UPS or truck - minimum shipping charge $11.00.
  • Payment: Moneyorder, Personal Checks, PayPal (ye@epix.net), MC, VISA, AMEX or DISCOVER, NO COD orders.
  • All prices subject to change. Price quotes good for 30 days.
  • Need detailed information on a part? Send S.A.S.E. along with part information request.
  • All parts N.O.S. unless marked T.O., N.O.S. / N.R. (Needs restoration)
  • Returned parts must be received within 10 days of delivery