#1 Tank #2 Tank
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QUAD 50 MOUNT M45D, M45C, M45F
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
T.O. Ball, bearing, 3/8", Trunnion (Fed Stock # 3110-100-6182) 104920 764
T.O. Brace. sight (Fed Stock # 1005-626-9178) 6269178 755
T.O. Cam, trunnion D73839 552A
T.O. Cam, trunnion D73838 552B
N.O.S. Cover, assy Trunnion Terminal Block - includes: Cover, Gasket, Shell, Gasket & 5 wires (Fed Stock #626-9184) 6269184 757
N.OS. Cover, trunnion R.H. Quad 50 Mat 1005 690 8232 552
7389685 N.O.S. Cover, trunnion; quad 50 Mount - 6 1/8" dia. 7389685 476
T.O. Handle, charging .50 Cal M.G. w/tube & Stud (1 end cap missing) 780
T.O. Handwheel: Adjustment, vertical, lower 5310894 768
H004-050-4450 N.O.S. Lamp, Clearance, blackout type, marker 8 L0360/Arrow #46 1969
M45C-M45D-M45F N.O.S. Lever assy. 5630520 inc. section assy 6269084-Pts 1-9; A-F, Collar B5310732; C-pin 111829; Shifter assy, Pts 1-13; A.B.C. & F-M; 1 missing ear on Pt #6 563052 1066
T.O. Lining , wooden - for templates, hydrometer case 783
T.O. Pin, straight, cham .500x1 3/8 5343692 767
N.O.S. Sockets, pilot lamp; Part of LIght assy Motor overheat indicator 5343603 760
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
D29377 Used Case, leather, sight carrying - for M4 sight, 81mm mortar; 1/2Track carrier M4-M4A1 & M21 904
N.O.S. Clinometer, mortar MK4 - 1945 (NOS in box) 753
1290 769 1992 T.O. Instrument lights (M37) for mortars 60mm and 81mm 47
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  • All prices subject to change. Price quotes good for 30 days.
  • Need detailed information on a part? Send S.A.S.E. along with part information request.
  • All parts N.O.S. unless marked T.O., N.O.S. / N.R. (Needs restoration)
  • Returned parts must be received within 10 days of delivery