#1 Tank #2 Tank
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G104 Sherman Tank
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
G104-010-0004 N.O.S. Adapter, cable outlet 2050
G266-620-97187 T.O. Adapter, driveshaft, assy - angle type 2 479
N.O.S. Adapter, speedometer, drive, mounts on transmission 1279
2805 350 7429 N.O.S. Air intake crossover tubes 3
* T.O. Ammo can for .30 Cal. Co-axial & Stationary M.G. 702
* T.O. Ammo can, M1A1(1917A1) w/ 1917A1/ 1918/ colt tri pod latch WWII 1335
Unissued/used Ammo can, WWII - M2 , used non welded, welded 801
G104-560-0956 T.O. Arm, locking lower w/guide & stop assy. C100956 911
G508-771-2426* N.O.S. Arm, spotlight with extension assy. 7712426 51
G104-620-9956 T.O. Arm, supporting: upper w/brace B209956 912
G163-700-8423* N.O.S. Arm, windshield wiper assy 7008423 1133
G104-151-0350 N.O.S. Armature assy, Auto-Lite generator, 1 req. M4A1 etc. AL-GFR2055F 123A
T.O. Armor, right rear horizontal fuel tank 666
BC1362* N.O.S. Armored exterior phone boxes Sherman tank and others A191
G104-658-0491 T.O. Aux. generator parts, Little Joe, includes Flywheel, magneto, crankcase & cylinder head D80491 2387
G104-538-1395 T.O. Axle, carriage A381395 914
D78232A T.O. Azimuth indicator - M18-G104-G163-G244-G226 C25
D78232A T.O. Azimuth indicator - M19-G104-G163-G244-G226 B25
1290 706 8178 T.O. Azimuth indicator - M20-G104-G163-G244-G226 7068178 A25
G104-25-31568/G104-83-88602* N.O.S. Bail, engine generator shield cover, Deco Remy DR1902051 1611C
G104-560-0948 T.O. Base, seat; w/brace and frame C100948 913
G104-158-6550* N.O.S. Base, shock mount, auxiliary generator, 4 required HL-19902 334A
G104-735-0392 N.O.S. Bearing set, Main 0.020 undersize 17379 2055
G104-2805-741-5058 N.O.S. Bearing set, Mains, Standard, GAA-complete set for 1 engine 10
G104-151-8074* N.O.S. Bearing, camshaft, front right w/cap - GAA FMGG6271/A296453 306
G226-529-6735* N.O.S. Bearing, Camshaft, intermediate, w/ cap and dowels pins 12 req. ( Supercedes bearing 7058674)GAA FM-GG6622, A296735 285A
H012-070-3001;7731 N.O.S. Bearing, Roller front main (C-1) 359
G104-010-0284 N.O.S. Bearing, bushing type. (3 way accy/drivegear) Standard 482
G226-529-6734* N.O.S. Bearing, camshaft, front left w/cap - GAA FMGG6221/A296734 285
G226-529-4745 N.O.S. Bearing, main - Standard GAA (Sold in pairs) 2805 529 4745 9
2530-752-1469 N.O.S. Bearing, skate rail roller, mach gun mount 349
G104-522-7872 N.O.S. Bearing, steering brake, bushing type (brake cross shaft cap) (one piece housing) 2 req. M4A3 A227872 2033B
G210-741-3053 N.O.S. Bearings, rod, standard, GAA - complete set for 1 engine 10A
G163-700-8424 N.O.S. Blade, windshield wiper w/bracket assy - 4 1/2" L STP-70509
G104-541-4045 N.O.S. Block, terminal harness junction box (Part of box assy B325657) 1 req., M4A1 800D
G104-705-5763 N.O.S. Block, terminal, bulkhead terminal box, lower, supercedes block B197659, 1 req. M4A1 A7055763 800E
G212-658-0511 N.O.S. Blowers turret ventileting w/ lights 1478
G104-769-9093 N.O.S. Body, fuel primer pump barrel with nuts 655
T.O. Bogie wheel assy, with shock & bracket, wide track 2471
G104-703-7292 N.O.S. Bolt, Hex head, bracket supporting, Cowl, C4 7037292 1635
G104-152-4137 N.O.S. Bolt, clutch - 3/8" - 16 NC spring retaining guide A244884 741
7069543 N.O.S. Bolt, track shoe 344
T.O. Bolt, with hood, bogie wheel & idler wheel, wide track 2470
G104-560-1039 N.O.S. Box, battery & inst light, for mount gun M4A1 142
G158-012-4490* T.O. Box, throttle valve, assy - A975 engine C91125 2229C
G104-152-5790* T.O. Brace, carburetor elbow R975 engine D50205 2229D
G104-174-0228 N.O.S. Bracket, contact with points assy; (Distributor point) Formerly G249-735-5751 293
G104-152-5873 N.O.S. Bracket, engine mount outer front - GAA C124329 1503
T.O. Bracket, flashlight holder sleeve 1227A
* Repro Bracket, shovel mounting, spade end 1960B
G104-030-0710 T.O. Bracket, supporting rear beam, engine R975 B132999 2057
N.O.S. Breaker, circuit, Klixon Manual reset type 60amp, Master switch box 1526
G104-236-7453 N.O.S. Breaker, circuit, gun firing stabilizer, 25amp B199968P, 7000317, 7035028 1526A
G104-159-2600* N.O.S. Breaker, circuit, manual reset; 105amp, 24V, Master switch 7035029 1983
G104-23-76453 N.O.S. Breaker, coil, gen/reg. circuit assy (also fits G128,185,187,199,205,207,232,233) VAD-3106 1521
G104-050-0440 N.O.S. Brush, cranking motor, Eclispe type 817 model 1 Type A, M4, M4A1 E60249 859A
G104-25-55040 N.O.S. Brush, generator, Cadillac mfg. A410276 932B
N.O.S. Bulb, 24 Volt double contact WWII old style trouble light 1375
* N.O.S. Bulbs, trouble light , WWII - for new style single contact socket - 12-16V 1089
G104-705-5625 N.O.S. Bushing A7055-5625 1267
G104-1-284 N.O.S. Bushing 1223
G104-01-00285 N.O.S. Bushing 3 way access. drive, vac. pump dr. shaft, M4 brz. A229720 / CWR-200915 1611B
G104-050-0160 N.O.S. Bushing, Little Joe, connecting rod, Homelite 10187 1240
G104-153-1306 N.O.S. Cable, power, 84"L, stranded - unknown application 654
G210-620-0284 N.O.S. Cage, floor drain B200284 474
G104-350-4498 N.O.S. Cam Ca 5242 1221
G104-153-1491 N.O.S. Cam, distributor breaker 7002842 2048
T.O. Camshaft assy. 2432
G104-050-0620 N.O.S. Cap, bearing, generator Eclipse Equal A165617 323
G104-562-4368 N.O.S. Cap, main bearing intermediate - used on engines 12072 and up C124368 859
NA/Y5G T.O. Carburetor, G.A.A. 15A
G210-774-3796 N.O.S. Cartridge, oil filter, GAA, with adapter, 1 required CU-25902U 334C
T.O. Co-driver seat 106
G104-050-0760 N.O.S. Coil booster C1 & C4 engines 24 volts, interchangeable with Coil in Bin #1507, Used on M5 & M5A1 Staurt, M7 Preist, M18 Hellcat, M3A3 Stuart, M8 Motor Carriage, M4& M4A1 Sherman radials &M39 Armored utility vehicles 2920 350 4377 60
G104-153-9691 N.O.S. Coil, GAA, starter, field, engine cranking motor, lower left, G197, 199, 204, 205, 210, 225, 226, 233, 187 & 510 762A
G104-176-7330 N.O.S. Coil, assy. Voltage regulator Detroit Diesel engine part 1887617 1636
G103-153-9674* N.O.S. Coil, booster, engine ignition Cont Engine, Interchangeable with Coil in Bin # 60, Used on M5 & M5A1 Stuart, M7 Preist, M18 Hellcat, M3A3 Stuart, M8 Motor Carriage, M4 & M4A1 Sherman radials & M39 Armored utility vehicles DR1889779 1507
G104-153-9693 N.O.S. Coil, field, starter G.A.A. Lower right assembly ALMBD 10105 762
G104-774-3816 N.O.S. Coil, starter switch assy 10501 2044
G104-153-9690 N.O.S. Coil, starter, field upper left assy., 1 req. GAA AL-MBD10075 762A
G104-05-007963 N.O.S. Condenser, generator regulator bottom box assy. M4, M4A1 EC-101380 863A
G104-621-0282 N.O.S. Conduit harness, dome light blower 932
G104-732-6559* N.O.S. Conduit w/wire - 1/4"x30" 320
G104-154-0000 N.O.S. Conduit, GAA ignition, lower, right 400
G104-752-1088 N.O.S. Conduit, braided cable with elbow & nuts, 3/4' dia., 50"L 187A
G104-257-9006 N.O.S. Conduit, flexible (booster coil, low tension cable) used w/scintilla magneto B285064/CO202829 1182
G104-039-6249/G104-010-0401 N.O.S. Cone, hub, flywheel, front, Radial Engine B154481B 1991
G104-01-00405 N.O.S. Cone, tranny, friction 1515B
G104-010-0407 N.O.S. Cone, transmission bearing B181952 1515
G104-01-00405 N.O.S. Cone, traqnny, friction, fifth speed gear B181950 1515A
G104-184-7875* N.O.S. Connector and wiring blackout marker and service headlight assy., 2 req., WI-411263, G102,104,147,136,162,185,187,200,204,205,207,210. B226749/GL5934933 1599
G104-521-3101* N.O.S. Connector, Gunners periscope housing control link A213103 736
G104-62-94337 N.O.S. Connector, fixed fire extinguisher front cylinder to check valve w/nuts assy. B2943387 297A
G102-154-0045* N.O.S. Connector, harness wiring to headlight wiring (also fits G102 and G103) A294100 1961
G210-534-6020 N.O.S. Connector. engine generator brush, G104, G187, G210 346020 932C
G104-629-4332 N.O.S. Control, fuel shutoff, valve assy 2910 629 4332 389
G104-2580-034 N.O.S. Control, turret traversing, dual control assy., old style OG45249 301
G104-654-6212 N.O.S. Countershaft 1st & reverse speed 119
G104-030-1629 N.O.S. Couping, generator rubbers assy, hausing end 11476FS 1982
C139817 N.O.S. Couplers, track 297
205 7066707 N.O.S. Cover, adjusting, left sand shield - rear 7066707 1173
F285-560-1161 N.O.S. Cover, canvas, Azimuth Indicator C101161 1445
G104-705-6325 N.O.S. Cover, fuel tank filler 7056324 97
G104-G103* N.O.S. Cover, receiver, bow gun D71883 1164
G103-154-40062* N.O.S. Cover, turret traverse mech. hydr. pump idler gear A245582 1967A
G163-657-8278 N.O.S. Cranking levers, radial engine - 59" overall (Shorten18" for Sherman use) 463
G104-154-3501 N.O.S. Cushion, seat bottom assy. for M4 w/105 Driver, co-driver & gunner B229591 1622
G104-560-0947 N.O.S. Cushion, seat, drivers and co-drivers, includes buttons and sockets C100947 1382B
* N.O.S. Cushion, shock mount, instrument panel - Square type C107356 938
G104-154-5604* N.O.S. Cylinder assy; auxiliary generator, HRUH-28, Little Joe HL-AA349 2034
G207-737-4188 N.O.S. Data plate-vehicle specs-small one- 2 1/2"w x 5 1/2" L; M4A1, 76mm, WET CO1O1218-AV 1355
Decal Set, Interior Tools & Equipment, 11 Decals 964
G205-655-0260 Repro Deflector, exhaust, GAA cooling fan air. M4A3, M4A3E8, M7, M36, M10A1, etc.. 513R
G104-563-5856 N.O.S. Disc, inner roller w/ tire assy 5"x 10" - H.V.S.S. C135856 105
G104-563-5844 N.O.S. Disc, roadwheel - incl. disk,rim and tire - H.V.S.S. C135844 979
G104-153-1638* N.O.S. Distributor caps, Chrysler - Multi Bank engine 49
G104-174-0540 N.O.S. Drainplug, engine oil pan G105, G187, G199 406
G104-529-6687 N.O.S. Drive, GAA, engine tachometer quill and rev. counter GAA-17282 2432C
G104-21-57182 N.O.S. Drive, engine starter assy. GAA w/ Bendix B258292 1073
T.O. Driver seat 106
G104-238-2199 N.O.S. & REPRO Drivers seat, sub-base C100941 110
N.O.S. Duct, air, turret ventilating blower w/supports PMP155 1478A
G104-655-0177 N.O.S. Elbow, carburetor to manifold (supercedes elbow CO-201990, C-1) CO-201463/D-50177 126A
G104-010-0562* T.O. Elbow, carburetor to manifold - R975 Engine C95333 2229B
G104-010-0561 N.O.S. Elbow, priming jet, cylinder head C-1, supercedes Elbow A165173, 6 req. CO2026301, A249569, AIR-AN4023 827A
G104-538-1903* N.O.S. Elbow,unit to engine hose, C-1 & C-4 126
G104 T.O. Engine oil cooler - M4A1E8 475
G104-73-65714 T.O. Fan, Radiator cooling with hub and shroud 2454
N.O.S. Fender, front left, M3 Tank 1841
T.O. Fender, front left, wide track-factory cut for step 2186
6581259* N.O.S. Fender, rear right, narrow track M4A3 & M7 Priest 548A
G226-629-6713 N.O.S. Filler, oil, w/cap & lock assy, G.A.A. B296713 1966
G104-702-6236 T.O. Filter, oil, assy, with clamps (type G-199J-5) 16
T.O. Fixture, track removing, Jack H.D. Box type - No ratchet 1421A
T.O. Fixture, track removing, Jack, H.D. Box type 1421
G104-158-4658 N.O.S. Flange, mounting, bosch magneto, radial 1305
G104-706-7362 N.O.S. Flange, spindle, for clutch assy 7067270 & 7068857 7067362 1988
G104-010-0605 N.O.S. Float Assy, Carb., radial engine B197577 953
G104-04-00691 N.O.S. Fork, transmission shifter, 1st & reverse speed C77564 1020
G104-218-8252 N.O.S. Frame, Generator - rebuild (also G104-839-2891) 2920 039 6462;2320 039 6462 390
G104-741-5827 N.O.S. Fuel pump - G.A.A. 1538354 756
G104-741-5827 N.O.S. Fuel pump w/priming handle 1538354 772
A-265618 N.O.S. Gasket assy; B.O. marker light, felt & backing plate 1629
G104-15-93811 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, Left camshaft housing outer (valve cover gasket) 122A
G104-705-9724 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, camshaft housing cover, 2 required FM-GAA6583 122F
G226-625-8270 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, exhaust manifold to cylinder head FMGG948A2/B258270 122A
G104-159-3820 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, oil pan, left,(used with oil pan assy. 5700005), 1 required FM-GAA6711/D66343B 122B
G104-219-3967 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, radio suppression shield breaker cap cover, 2 req. M4A3 etc. BO-GA5269 932A
G104-159-3810 N.O.S. Gasket, GAA, right camshaft, outer, 5330-350-4610 FM-GAA6578/D66310 122C
G104-159-3812 N.O.S. Gasket, camshaft housing, inner, GAA, 2 required B258196/FM-GAA6582 122E
G104-010-0677 N.O.S. Gasket, distributor cylinder A278470 124
G103-159-3625* N.O.S. Gasket, door, mldg. RV, B.O. market light A265618 2020
G104-050-1290 N.O.S. Gasket, dust cover, eclipse starter, radial 1298
G104-541-2838* N.O.S. Gasket, felt paper, dome light door A412838 1633
G104-159-3811 N.O.S. Gasket, left camshaft housing, outer, GAA GAA6579 / D66311 122A
G226-541-1699* N.O.S. Gasket, mounting, oil filter, 1 required, (used with filter C124397), GAA FM-GAN18688/A411699 125B
G104-159-3840 N.O.S. Gasket, mounting, oil filter, GAA (used with filter assy. C95160) FMGG18688/A296691 125
G226-625-8359* N.O.S. Gasket, oil pump, intermediate,(part of pump assy. C124400), 1 required FM-GAN6658/B258359 125A
G163-700-08780* N.O.S. Gasket, oil sump rocker box drain fitting to oil sump, C-1 & C-4 CO203466 1215
G104-159-3922 N.O.S. Gasket, tachometer drive to camshaft housing, 1 req, GAA FM-GAA17283/A296688 125C
G104-050-2120* N.O.S. Gauge, meter, hour, Hobbs MFg. 24V, M7 Priest, G128-618-3420 B183420 2297
G104-050-2120* T.O. Gauge, meter, hour, Hobbs Mfg, 24 volt, M7 Priest G128-618-3420 2298
G104-159-4117 N.O.S. Gauge, temp 100-260 degrees B207271/SW442103 2059
G104-529-6807 N.O.S. Gear set, magneto, engine drive assy, GAA, 1 req. FM-GAA125513B 2232A
G104-620-0395 N.O.S. Gear, bevel, turret hand operated traversing mech. secondary shaft, M3 &M4 AKA G104-030-2586 G200395 863B
G104-050-1320 N.O.S. Gear, crank direct electric cranking motor, driving EC63016 1220
G104-050-1340 N.O.S. Gear, direct electric cranking motor, intermediate EC63020 1522
T.O. Gear, elevation, main gun, 76mm C144981 191B
G104-159-6210 N.O.S. Gear, flywheel, GAA 390A
G104-269-2400 N.O.S. Gear, idler, scavenger pump - used with pump CO-203338 & CO-202359, 1 req., radial engine 11645 245B
G104-04-00940 N.O.S. Gear, transmission, assy. 3rd speed output shaft 1382A
G170-01-96201 N.O.S. Gear, transmission, first speed, Ford, M4 & M3 Lee Tank C55442ABC 288A
G104-159-6450 N.O.S. Generator, M3A5, Med tank (diesel) 320
T.O. Generators, C1 &C4; Eclipse Aircraft - Model 31 - Type 314 --D47404) 123
8465-01-004-2893* N.O.S. Goggles, sun, wind & dust w/clear & gray lenses 1723
104-16-02030 N.O.S. Govenor, Engine GAA 18200 422
7537243* T.O. Grenade boxes- 4 compartment - 11" x 5 1/2" x 2 3/4" 475
* T.O. Grenade, pineapple, demilled 856
G104-52-96651 N.O.S. Grommet, magneto radio shield for ground wire 703D
G226-560-0914 T.O. Guard, periscope, welded C100914 967
G104-741-0831 N.O.S. Gudgeon, suspension arm (bracket end) B168446A 1523
G104-620-9961 T.O. Guide, Horizontal Adj. - left side B209961 916
G104 T.O. Guide, Horizontal Adj. - right side B209960 917
G104-160-5506 N.O.S. Guide, intake valve (.010 oversize) C-1 engine only 9 req. or as reguired B154486D 742D
G104-160-9115 N.O.S. Handle, pistol port door C97253
G104-620-9954 T.O. Handle, releasing, vertical w/retaining door knob B209954 915
T.O. Handle, spotlight W/ remote control, wiring, arm, shaft 614
G104-213-9988* N.O.S. Handle, spotlight w/conduit, plug & switch B207563A 1967
B21082 N.O.S. Harness assy, dome lamp & blower 528 1184 932
G104-632-6894 N.O.S. Harness, conduit and cable, instrument panel. Attaches to receptacle A329948 on back of instrument panel 1382C
G207-73-26556 N.O.S. Harness, periscope rheostat assy, M4A1 2326
N.O.S. Harnesses, engine - generator to regulator assy 2123978 187
G104-534-9478* N.O.S. Hatch seals - bundles of 5 288
G104-03-01983 T.O. Hatch, drivers door, M4 Sherman - early type 508848; C96659 2215
G104-2920-496-4303 N.O.S. Head, GAA starter, with springs 297D
G104-161-1462 N.O.S. Head, brush holder ring w/plates HL25013 & HL19500B Little Joe HL19763 2035
6455 13325 T.O Head, shock absorber MAE-13325 1174
G104-163-1456 N.O.S. Head, traversing mechanism 1493
G104-1784-775* N.O.S. Headlight support assembly, brass C105660 88
2805 541 1706 N.O.S. Heads, Left side, W/O Cam, GAA 137
2805 541 1707 N.O.S. Heads, Right side w/o cam - G.A.A. 122
G104-050-1475 N.O.S. Holder, little Joe with brushes. aux. generator, M4 & M4A1 HL-5760 / C95276 2432D
G104-657-8355 N.O.S. Hood,, drivers hatch, narrow hatch - frame & canvas - M4, M4A1, M4-105, M4A3 6578355 078355 1044
G104-040-1278 N.O.S. Hook, towing clip - for 1-1/2" Pin - 5" O.A. length A213744 1586
* T.O. Hook, towing, "T" style 1586A
G104* T.O. Hook, towing, with pin, 4 required 250
G210-75-21121, G104-16-17529 N.O.S. Hose, fuel pump to fuel filter, GAA GAA-A-244864-E 800A
G163-737-6654* T.O. Housing, flywheel aux.generator-HRUH 28, Little Joe 7376654 2029
T. O. Hub, wide track, rear idler wheel 2469
G210-700-5706 N.O.S. Insert - valve seat- G104 Sherman w/G.A.A. engine; G210 207
G104 T.O. Interior Barrel Lock 475
T.O. Interior armor plate w/S.M.G. Brackets that mounts below radio base 106
G104-2910-350-4681 N.O.S. Jets, Carburetor, GAA 433
G104-166-1001 N.O.S. Kit, carb., GAA 22
42-P-5347* N.O.S. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
G104-703-5454 N.O.S. Kit, fuel pump repair - neoprene 538
2805-570-0230* N.O.S. Kit, gasket set engine-Cont. Radial- 48 pcs., valve covers, magnetos, fuel pump, oil pump, starter 1527
N.O.S. Kit, repair generator field coil, Autolite 1521A
G104-282-3674* N.O.S. Kit, repair turret slip ring (27 pcs) -also fits G163,200,204,205,207,210 & 233 1518
H004-050-4433* Restored Lamp B.O. Driving 6-8V 1236
N.O.S. Lamp unit Red Oval 24V Service/tail/stop H004-050-4415 941
H004-050-4418 N.O.S. Lamp unit, B.O. Tail light, lower right & left - 24V 1568
H004-050-4433* Lamp unit, B.O. driving w/hood - 6-8V 185 E
H004-050-4415 N.O.S. Lamp unit, B.O. tail upper Left (Service & stop) 24V 1567
H104-019-3126 N.O.S. Lamp unit, Service headlight - Type L fog - 24V 185F
N.O.S. Lamp unit, Service headlight - double contact - 24V 185G
N.O.S. Lamp, headlight - 24V H004-019-3126 942
N.O.S. Latches, periscope boxes 905
N.O.S. Lens, eye piece - M70 telescopes 1477
T.O. Lid 105 mm Spare parts box - 11-1/4"L x 6" W - 2 pin hinges, 1 tension clasp 983
G104-161-1516* N.O.S. N.R. Light, combination - blackout driving, and blackout marker - 24V-28V 185
T.O. Light, instrument M33 D7690132 539
8L-405-24 N.O.S. Light, tail & stop assy. B.O. 24V H004-050-4402 1996
M001-010-7356* N.O.S. Light, trouble, late style - single contact - clam shell type 2264
G104-070-0285 N.O.S. Limiter 864
G101-040-1131 N.O.S. Lining, brake shoe, steering, (one piece housing, single anchor brake), 6 required C97204 2033B
G232-704-8212 T.O. Link assy. track pad T-84 7048212 89
T.O. Link, track shoe assy - narrow track (3-T54E1 steel type; 1 - rubber type) 473
G206-706-9556 T.O. Link, track shoe, steel T80 style 7069556 1377
G104-03-003794 N.O.S. Link, track, solid rubber T51, narrow track C95147 1142A
G104-534-9487* N.O.S. Lock, cupola door hinge, 1 req. A349487 1382B
G104-167-9865* N.O.S. Lock, post mount; .50 cal, pintle locking pin w/handle B229666/2540 816 6512 18
G104-286-1296 N.O.S. Lock, tachometer driveshaft cap A381128 358
N.O.S. M50 smoke discharger firing box - 2 button 656
G104-177-3596 N.O.S. Magnet, magneto rotating distributor front assy. - 2 required - Am Bosch C92118 766
2920 700 2846 N.O.S. Magneto covers G.A.A. 38
G104-178-4869 N.O.S. Magneto shield, bosch, radio, radial BO-CY52296 - C92131 981B
MJT9A306 T.O. Magneto, Radial engine, American Bosch 2430
MJN14K307 T.O. Magneto, radial engine, American Bosch 2431
G104-168-7401 N.O.S. Manifold, engine water outlet G.A.A. (G104-187-199-204) 21
5965 164 7314* N.O.S. Microphone T-45-lip mic., Phila. 1943-WWII Vehicles 23648 1513
G205-736-5430 N.O.S. Motor, 24V, Horn assy SP-B9780 1933
G104-169-5731 T.O. Mounting, front, assy., engine, GAA, 2 required (magento end of engine) C124328A/70597706 1503A
G104-030-4072 N.O.S. Mufflers, M4, M4A1, M4105 D51372 A92
G104-010-1138 N.O.S. Nozzle, carb., pump discharge (variacble no 50), radial C1 or C4 2 req. A245844 652
G104-030-4140* N.O.S. Nozzle, fixed fire ext. shielded rear right & left 3/16 orifice, 2 req., smaller B183323 - 7037039 297B
* N/O/S/ Oil can machine gun - blue lettering & screw on cap w/chain 1071
T.O. Oil cooler fittings, misc 475
G103-158-3050* N.O.S. Oil filter, automatic - CUNO Auto Clean w/motor & cartridge-Type AT5 95134 391
G104-308-0496 N.O.S. Outlet, socket - inst. panel - M4 & M4A1-lamp A348650 322
G212-560-0959 T.O. Pad, seat back, M4A1 C100959 2439A
G104-05-02661 N.O.S. Panel, genrator regulator assy, Eclipse type, 2 req., M4 EC-101448 1611A
F1-0037537 N.O.S. Periscope M8A1 w/telescope M39A2 509
F1-757-8357* N.O.S. Periscope , M6 w/heads 1382
FSN6650-759-7754* N.O.S. Periscope - M-13, M-37, M-19A1, M-39, M-52, & M-47 7643904 2252
* N.O.S. Periscope M16H 2418
M8A1 N.O.S. Periscope M8A1, gunners w/telescope for gun mount M62 1162
1240 776 9401 N.O.S. Periscope heads; G104-G103 - M6 top head 173
M4A1 T.O. Periscope, center section 316390 507A
G104 T.O/NOS Periscope, bottom sight lens assy (2TO; 1 NOS) 750
M6 T.O. Periscope, center section 7578357 508A
53155165175 N.O.S. Pin - 5/8" O.A. - 1/4" dia. flathead w/cotter pin hole 1232
G185-541-2133* N.O.S. Pin, chock block (used with narrow track, group 2004 boom and A-frame, 2 per vehicle, M32, M32A1, M32B1, M4, M4A1) 5315-00-541-2133/A412133 241A
G104-538-1405 T.O. Pin, clevis 1/4" x 1-1/2" A381405 920
G104-040-1280 N.O.S. Pin, dowel contr. differential compensating case cover 339
* Repro Pin, tow hook, armored vehicle 1586B
* N.O.S. Pioneer straps - 1" x 10" w/2"x3" pad MC7874 888
G226-629-6713* N.O.S. Pipe, cap, oil filler, left side 392
G104-752-0755 N.O.S. Pipe, exhaust G.A.A. left, flange can be cut off & rewelded for right side C95244B 1621
G104-233-8815 N.O.S. Piston, G.A.A. Standard C124332 861
G104-176=9830 N.O.S. Piston, ring set 855
G104-17-38854 N.O.S. Piston, turret traverse mech. control cam, small A245610 740
G183-529-4740 N.O.S. Piston, w/rings & pins - G104, 187, 199, 204, 205, 210, 225, 226, 233 - Standard 460
G226-529-4740* N.O.S. Pistons w/rings &pins assy-GAA G183-529-4740/A294740 271
G104-154-0167 N.O.S. Plate A244750 858
G104-174-0293 N.O.S. Plate & bushing assy B207409 2054
G104-530-3295 N.O.S. Plate, carb. throttle valve (4 per unit) GAA A303295 - BS383155 15C
G104-706-7260 N.O.S. Plate, driven, with Hub assy., (used on clutch assy. 7067270 & 7068857), 2 required, radial engines 2520-706-7260 59
G104-174-0386 N.O.S. Plate, lock ground screw 1225
G104-538=1398 T.O. Plate, seat bearing - 1 3/4" x 6" A381398 918
G104-538-1397 T.O. Plate, seat bearing - 2 5/8" x 6" A381397 919
G104-560-1311 T.O. Plate, seat mounting assy C101311 2371
G104-700-7239 N.O.S. Plate, starter, baffle with seal, Delco, 1 req. Radial eng. DR-1887762 800F
H004-050-6005 N.O.S. Plug, M4A3, collector ring to master switch box cable, 90 degree, split shell, 1 req. A-311620 / 506005 297D
G163-034-0750* N.O.S. Plug, Outlet, instrument panel, insert for 2 contact points 23210348080 574
G104-010-1668 N.O.S. Plug, oil drain, Continental 2270
G104-521-5441 N.O.S. Plunger 1222
G104 T.O. Pry bar 33A
G205-619-7335 N.O.S. Pulley, GAA, drive, cooling fan, 2 req. splined B197335 192
G104-174-5825 N.O.S. Pump, oil, GAA, used on engine up to SN12071, interchangeable with pump assy. C12440, 1 required B258198/FM-GAA6600 334B
G104-5-3060 N.O.S. Ratchet, stationary 1887680 1303
G104 N.O.S./T.O. Relay, timing, foot firing mechanism, 24 volt CR2791J/B300475 475C
G104-2920-474-9888 N.O.S. Relay, voltage regulator 1445A
G205-56-01303 T.O. Release assy, turret gunners seat, M4A3 C101303 2443
G248-529-6996* N.O.S. Resistors, blackout headlight 24v to12v twin MM 40 gun M19A1 A296996 1011
G103-176-7782 N.O.S. Retainer oil bogie wheel B132704AB 260
G104-176-7616 N.O.S. Retainer, engine accessory drive, bevel pinion bearing, 1 req, G104, 187, 199, 203, 205, 210, 225, 226 FM-GAA6968 / A296573 2249A
G104-030-5478 N.O.S. Retainer, oil, turret trav. mech, main drive pinion A213708 800
G104-538-1402 T.O. Retainer, seat vertical adj. spring A381402 921
G104-176-9830 N.O.S. Ring set - standard - Ford GG6149A-- G.A.A. A296444 969
G210-74-16174 N.O.S. Ring set, piston, standard GAA G226-529-4742/A294742 1505
G210-741-6175 N.O.S. Ring sets - G.A.A. - Standard 670
G103-010-4926 N.O.S. Ring, Piston A190538 1748B
G104-516-6123 N.O.S. Ring, lock (Track support roller bearing) 416
G104-176-9780 N.O.S. Ring, locking, camshaft lower shaft upper bearing unit, GAA, 2 required FMGG6287/A296458 125E
G104-177-3307* N.O.S. Rod, connecting w/bushing-G104, 187, 199, 204, 205, 210, 225, 226, 233 2805 562 4333; C124333 394
2910-625-8218* N.O.S. Rod, throttle assy., GAA 43
G104-522-7962 N.O.S. Roller, turret gunners seat, 4 required, M4A1, M4A3, etc... A227962 743
G104-177-3595 N.O.S. Rotor, Magneto distributor, American Bosch, radial eng. 2 req. C-92117 863
G104-700-7297 N.O.S. Rotor, magnet, magneto - Also G187, 199, 204, 205, 210, 225, 226 & 233 863A
G104-010-2025* T.O. Scoop, air, carburetor - R975 engine D50207 2229
G104-040-1500 T.O. Screen, transmission oil filter B181958 475
G104-010-2171 N.O.S. Screw 1231
G104-178-1819 N.O.S. Screw, cap - socket head steel 1224
G104-050-348 N.O.S. Screw, carburator 1227
G183-70-0124 N.O.S Screw, flat 1228
G104-010-0606 N.O.S. Screw, fulcrum, float, w/rod assembly 424
G104-752-0791 N.O.S. Screw, rubbing, plate, narrow track suspension arm 24 req. 981C
G204-700-7379 N.O.S. Screws and washers 1358
G104-628-9530 N.O.S. Seal, Garlock mfr. 703C
G104-040-1688 N.O.S. Seal, differential oil sump oil passage, 1 req. M4A1, M4A3 etc. A227916 703B
G104-030-5699* N.O.S. Seal, oil turret traversing mechanism mtr. adapter A244855 1432
G104-52-44899 N.O.S. Seal, oil, volute spring suspension wheel bearing, G104, G204, G205 & G207 24 reg. A244899 1571
G104-6578-351 T.O. Seat Frame Assy D78351 300
D78351 T.O. Seat assy, drivers & asst drivers (third type) w/seat bottom & sub base 2439
G104-657-8351 T.O. Seat assy, drivers & asst. drivers - no cushions, back rest, or seat pan (3rd type) D78351 483
G232-703-3291* N.O.S. Seat backs - M43 motor carriage 7033 291 13
T.O. Seat base 106
G104-625-5992* N.O.S & Repro Seat cushions, 12 3/4" x 14" x 4" thick w/1" taper to rear 152
FOM-20X1716C* T.O. Seat support assy, M4A4, M4 & M4A1 drivers, asst driver & gunner, also LVT4 (2nd type) D78095 742
G104-238-2199 N.O.S. Seat, driver, co-driver - trimmed w/o base D78351 188
G104-234-0222* N.O.S. Segment assy, periscope housing C-96668 A & B 48
G226-529-3808* N.O.S. Sending unit, oil, eng. temp., Stuart transfer case, high pressure,G226, G103, G104 & others A293728 333
G104M4A1E8 T.O. Sets of tracks (G104, G226) 23"-2 trks w/spiked guides; 2 with no guides 515
G104 652 8358 N.O.S. Shaft driven engine oil pump 427
G104-178-4613 N.O.S. Shaft, drive assy, govenor, M4A3, GAA, 1 req. 7058760 / NI-50960A 422A
G104-039-6346 N.O.S. Shaft, drive, upper 22 & 38 outer splines 11.92" O.A. (Accessory Drive) M4A3 469
G104-5577-533 N.O.S. Shaft, final drive, 29&1/8"L overall C77533 297A
G104-050-1040 N.O.S. Shaft, hand crank assy B155965 1184
G508-624-3974 Shaft, mounting, spotlight, 1 required B243974A 51A
G104-03-06190 N.O.S. Shaft, secondary, turret hand operated trav. mech., 1 req. B183282 / NP-C-85019 653
T.O. Sherman 105 mm firing solenoid, safety mounting bracket 475
G104-700-2846 N.O.S. Shield, magneto, radio suppression - left or right G.A.A. 7002846 2248
G104-534-9619 N.O.S. Shim, .015" thick, turret traverse mechanism main casting A349619 742B
T.O. Shocks, wide track 2467
C99332 N.O.S. Shoe, brake (one piece hsg, double anchor brake) 2033-A
C97208/C99331/C99333 N.O.S. Shoe, steering brake, btm assy w/lining trivets M4 & M4A1-Also fits G204,G128,185,187,199,205,207,210,233 & 237 2033
G104-178-5075* T.O. Shunt, engine starter cable junction box w/terminal assy 6208455 117
G104-658-2138 T.O. Slip ring box assy, 16A
G104-833-1024 N.O.S. Slip ring box assy-factory modification kit to replace D82138 normally used in M4A3 & M4A1 16A
G104-050-0311* N.O.S. Slip-ring box assy G103-010-0615 16
G104-178-9510 N.O.S. Spacer, GAA, crankshaft camshaft, lower drive shaft worm, 1 req. FM-GG6311 - A296464 2049
G104-538-3896 N.O.S. Spacer, clutch control, throwout bracket, vertical adj. stud A383896 1515D
G104-030-6410 N.O.S. Spacer, tu, vertical suspension, wheel bearing center 1445B
G104-752-0784 N.O.S. Spacer, unknown 11178 741A
HO 14S N.O.S. Spark plug - Little Joe Generator 778
LS88* N.O.S. Spark plug, LS88, compatable to 63S, radial engine 152
C220-00-562-2179* N.O.S. Spotlight shields 64
G104-705-8697 N.O.S. Spring Compression, Clucth Pressure Plate, 30 per unit, GAA 5340 705 8697 403
T.O./N.O.S. Spring suspension, wide track, bogie assy 2464
G104-534-5723* N.O.S. Spring, compression - Azimuth indicator - M19-M20 A345723 982
G104-178-9660 T.O. Spring, exhaust and intake valve, inner, GAA, 32 required A296502/FM-GG6513 114F
G104-178-9660 N.O.S. Spring, exhaust and intake valve, inner, GAA, 32 required A296502/FM-GG6513 114E
G104-178-9661 T.O. Spring, exhaust and intake valve, outer, GAA, 32 required A296506/FM-GG6535 114H
G104-178-9661 N.O.S. Spring, exhaust and intake valve, outer, GAA, 32 required A296506/FM-GG6535 114G
G104-620-9959 T.O. Spring, tension; 1-1/4" OD x 11" free lgh. vertical adj. B209959 923
G104-538-1407 T.O. Spring, tension; 9/16" OD x 3" free lgh. A381407 922
N.O.S. Sprocket, snowflake style 2466
G104-050-4369 N.O.S. Starter/Magneto switches for dash panel A8
T.O. Starters for C1 & C4 engines - Delco Remy Model 1108685 - 24V 71
G104 T.O. Storage door - inside 475
2220-203440 N.O.S. Sump, oil, right w/studs 1351
N.O.S. Support, sand skirt, weld on type - 8-3/4"L x 1-5/8"W, channel type 1998
G104-050-4283 N.O.S. Switch (35amp) Turret control box Gun firing and stabilizer 423
G179-702-8436* N.O.S. Switch assy. Pistol grip, spot light handle SD908019 1343
G170-039-3786* N.O.S. Switch selector, fuel tank, inst panel assy. M10-M10A1, M4& M4A1 Sherman, " used with Sherman instrutmnet panel D50202" B194623 171
G104-629-6308* N.O.S. Switch, Turret Master/also for G104, 185, 187, G402-Dodge CCB296308 B193697A 111
G104-030-7177 N.O.S. Switch, electric traverse 936
G104-538-1601 N.O.S. Switch, emergency stop - Bulkhead terminal box assy. A381601 860
G104-309-0302 N.O.S. Switch, instrument panel, rotary - fuel gauge 934
G104-309-0303* N.O.S. Switch, instrutment light, w/o control lever, off/dim/bright etc. rotary 5 position, 1 req. M4A1 76mm C102763 / DM-6329 934A
H004-050-6624 N.O.S. Switch, master - single pole - pull turn control knob 467
G104-538-1601 N.O.S. Switch, stop, Bulkhead terminal box emergency assy 1229
G104-524-4792 N.O.S. Switch, temperature sending unit, 232 Degree 438022 800B
G104-16-32448 N.O.S. Switch, temperature sending unit, M4A4 Chryslermutli bank 800C
BC 1361 N.O.S. Switchbox BC1361, Interphone Comm - on/off switch & signal switch 714
G104-040-1990/G104-558-3722 N.O.S. Synchronizer, transmission, second and third speed gears assy. C83722/SP-89-578-5X 288B
G104 T.O. Tank, fuel, Little Joe, cast hull 260
G104-700-8993* N.O.S. Tank, fuel, vertical, right, welded, also for M7 Priest 2434
M70G N.O.S. Telescope, 3" Gun 1476
N.O.S. Telescope, tankers Mft 1943 - T93 593
* N.O.S. Tow cable, 20' x 1&1/8" 570
* T.O. Track Jacks B484
* T.O. Track Jacks, Armored (Small) 1" x 17 1/2" screw A484
7069576 T.O. Track assy. T80, steel type, 79 shoes - each 792
G104 T.O. Transmission oil cooler - M4A1E8 475
G104-771-2644* N.O.S. Trough, oil, eng. magneto drive & fan driving gear 1 req. GAA & GAF (supercedes trough C124340A) C124411A - GAF-6857 863C
G104-350-4942 N.O.S. Tube 653A
G104-620-7814 N.O.S. V.V.S.S. Upper track support roller 341
G102-182-7112 N.O.S. Valve, drain, floor, with knob assy., 4 required B200289 266A
G179-530-7554 N.O.S. Valve, exhaust, A307554, supereded by valve A307326 SD516573 1537
G104-010-3230 N.O.S. Valve, exhaust, C-1 Radial, 9 req. CO-200604 / B154575 2805 529 8541 334
2805-293-9704 N.O.S. Valve, exhaust, GAA 114B
G104-050-4765 N.O.S. Valve, govenor & intake, Little Joe, HLA610, HL19185 2031
G104-05A-245673 N.O.S. Valve, governor - intake aux. eng. assy HC-A6010 1218
G104-182-7210* N.O.S. Valve, intake, Chrysler Mopar M4A4/Multibank Engine A-57-Sets of 2 612-870048 1534
G104-182-7210 N.O.S. Valve, intake, Chrysler multi bank engine A57, M4A4 612-870048 1534
G104-182-7190 N.O.S. Valve, intake, GAA, 16 required B258312/FM-GG6505A1 114A
G104-705-8668 N.O.S. Valves, Exhaust - G.A.A. FM-GG-6507-B3 114
G163-700-6841 N.O.S. Valves, engine exhaust, C4 Radial 266
G104-050-4350 N.O.S. Washer - Continental Motors 581
G104-541-5684 N.O.S. Washer, GAA, lock, spanner locking nut, driven gear bearing nut, accessory drive, 1 required A414684/FM-36061857S8 742C
G104-705-6103 N.O.S. Washer, Lock, S, 3 1/4 I.D. , .094 thk Horiz. Susp. Rr Idler 1230
G104-159-3742 N.O.S. Washer, copper, GAA, 42 req., cylinder head stud FM-GAA6448/A296491A 125D
G104-010-3443 N.O.S. Washer, spring shim 10-1792-2 1200
G104-517-6090 N.O.S. Wedges, track A176090 81
G104 T.O. Wheel, idler assy., rear with bracket, wide track 2468
T.O. Winch, recovery vehicle winches - Car CO. Model F - 12V 8329412 (Pac Car & Foundry 74
N.O.S. Window, Eye piece lense telescope, M70G telescope 1395
G104 N.O.S. Windshield, no hood, narrow drivers hatch 749
W128-9* N.O.S. Wire, Radio antenna - 9ft 715
G104-185-1210 N.O.S. Worm, camshaft drive, GAA, upper, 2 req FM-GAA6863 / B258207 2432A
Seat Parts - Driver/Co-driver
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