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G-200 CHAFFEE Tank
Part # Cond Description OS/MFG/ORD No. Bin
* Unissued/used Ammo can, WWII - M2 -used non welded, welded 801
G104-25-31568/G104-83-88602* N.O.S. Bail, engine generator shield cover, Delco Remy DR1902051 1611C
G103-152-4210* N.O.S. Bolt, steering brake drum, special controlled differential steering brake rim to flange 16 req. Also G103, G200, G236, G238 A2660209 2292A
G200 N.O.S. Box, cable assy, battery power w/master switch D-76342 2306
G200-705-1341 N.O.S. Bracket 321
T.O. Bracket, mounting generator assy., with clamps and ground strap D60547 211
G104-159-2600* N.O.S. Breaker, circuit, manual reset; 105amp, 24V, Master switch 7035029 1983
* N.O.S. Bulbs, trouble light , WWII - for new style single contact socket - 12-16V 1089
G200-705-1260 N.O.S. Bushing, universal joint intermediate support housing, propeller shaft, 1 required 42F
G200-2910-699-7672 Rebuilt/T.O. Carburetors W.C.D. (Rebuilt-$160.00; T.O. $95.00) 227
G200-703-7528 N.O.S. Cleaner, air - Engine assy 2304
G200-705-3277 N.O.S. Coil, ignition, 24 volt, shielded assy. DR1115281 279A
G200-629-9738 N.O.S. Coil, ignition, French Mfg 2300
G200-561-5039 N.O.S. Conduit Harness, Emerg, Ign. G236, G248 15039 209
G200-629-8243 N.O.S. Connector 1306
G104-184-7875* N.O.S. Connector and wiring blackout marker and service headlight assy., 2 req., WI-411263, G102,104,147,136,162,185,187,200,204,205,207,210. B226749/GL5934933 1599
G104-521-3101* N.O.S. Connector, Gunner periscope housing control link A213103 736
G103-010-1465* N.O.S. Cooler, transfer unit & controlled diff. oil assy. M5/M5A1 D58351/2930-384-9561 1506
G200-62-99766 N.O.S. Cushion, driver & asst. backrest assy MAE-X-5001-31 210
G200-629-3058* N.O.S. Cushions (Motor mounts) G200-G103 69
G200-722-3681 N.O.S. Distributor, waterproof, less coil 2299
G200-708-4001 N.O.S. Drum, clutch with bearing assy. 7084001/DTD-8613375 42G
G103-156-9175 N.O.S. Element, filter, air cleaner 2286
G103-159-3625* N.O.S. Gasket, door, mldg. RV, B.O. market light A265618 2020
G104-541-2838* N.O.S. Gasket, felt paper, dome light door A412838 1633
G200-705-3317 N.O.S. Gasket, rubber- power storage box (battery box) 305
G200-560-8371 N.O.S. Gaskets, flywheel-lower 2805 560 8371 279
D50130 T.O. Gear drive, 1 w/motor G200 113
G200-708-4020 N.O.S. Gear drive, bearing assy - G236, G238 7084020 181
G200 T.O. Generator 43
G200-705-2190 N.O.S. Harness Engine, Intermediate, Left w/conduit G236, G248 42
G200-561-4903 N.O.S. Harness, 7 pin C114.903 2284
G104-534-9478* N.O.S. Hatch seals - bundles of 5 288
G104-178-4775* N.O.S. Headlight support assy. brass N.O.S.C105660 88
D75937 T.O. Housing, turret traverse mech assy 2392
G200-629-3575 N.O.S. Indicators (engine dipsticks) G200, G236, G238 308
G200-703-7946 N.O.S. Kit, Repair - universal joint 316
42-P-5347* N.O.S. Kit, field cotter pins. Asst - 75pcs; 1-1/2" - 2-21/2" 1074
2580-190-3834* N.O.S. Kit, repair generator regulator 7050979 257
2540 703 8157 N.O.S. Kits, shock absorber repair 117
G104-161-1516* N.O.S./NR Light, combination - blackout driving, and blackout marker - 24V-28V 185
G200-534-9487* N.O.S. Lock, cupola door hongr, 1 req. 1382B
G104-167-9865* N.O.S. Lock, post mount; .50 cal, pintle locking pin w/handle B118555/25408166512 18
G200-541-0254 N.O.S. Locking plate 193
406235* N.O.S. Manifold, fan drive shaft LVT-3 F85962 854
D-75937 T.O. Mechanism, Turret traversing assy, less motor assy 2390
G200-560-8479* N.O.S. Oil cooler assy, transmission 2291
G200-561-9405 N.O.S. Oil filter housings 2910 699 7672 20
G200-6299725 N.O.S. Pin, dowel, cylinder block to flywheel housing, 4req. B299725 279A
G103-17-38681 - G200-56-05774* N.O.S. Pinion, differential, internal, 6req., MS C105774 270A
G200-561-4268 N.O.S. Pinion, turret traverse mechanism brake, drive, clutch with integral shaft C114268/NP-C85607 2390A
G200-656-0607 N.O.S. Pipe, manifold exhaust R.H. D60607 657
2990 705 2770 N.O.S. Pipes 706 2723 294
G200-708-4034 N.O.S. Piston, front band rel, dated 1952 42B
G103-174-0206* N.O.S. Plate, locking, engine valve lifter guide screw, 8 req. Cadillac A261669 / GM1421731 412A
N.O.S. Pump turret traverse G114941 270A
G103-17-69683/G200-526-2277* N.O.S. Ring, oil seal, transmission front serve brake apply piston, 2 req. M5 A262277 - DTD8600092 2292B
T.O. Road wheels - upper - G104, G103 105
G200-703-7447 N.O.S. Rotor, distributor assy. DR1906588 100A
G200-705-2425* N.O.S. Seal, bulkhead extension, right, also fits Duster M19A1 C7052425 42E
G200-708-4008* N.O.S. Seal, clutch piston inner. Also fits G236 M41 Howitzer and G238 M37 Howitzer 42A
G104-030-5699* N.O.S. Seal,oil turret traversing mechanism mtr. adapter A244855 1432
N.O.S. Seat assy, turret commanders 2370
T.O. Seats, Driver - Co-driver (8 of 1 type/2 of 1 type/1 misc) 100
G127-03-84603 N.O.S. Shaft, main transmission w/planet carrier assy. M5 B227052 2292C
G200-561-4309 N.O.S. Shaft, transmission main assy 280
G200-705-0719* N.O.S. Shield, drivers or co-drivers door, 2 required, also used on a Duster M42 7050719 100A
* N.O.S. Shroud and fan support, radiator, M5 & Chaffee 1315
G200-708-4043 N.O.S. Sleeve, transmission oil, 1952 42C
G104-434-5723* N.O.S. Spring, compression - Azimuth indicator - M19-M20 A345723 982
G179-702-8436* N.O.S. Switch assy. Pistol grip, spot light handle SD954650 1343
G104-629-6308* N.O.S. Switch, Turret Master/also gor G104, 185, 187, G402-Dodge CCB296308 N.O.S. 111
G104-309-0303* N.O.S. Switch, instrutment light, w/o control lever, off/dim/bright etc. rotary 5 position, 1 req. M4A1 76mm C102763 / DM-6329 934A
G200-529-3640* N.O.S. Switch, sending engine temp. high - G103, G200 224
G200-526-1911* N.O.S. Thermostat, radiator, 150 & 170 degree, 1952, smaller style 179
G200-534-42069* N.O.S. Thermostat, radiator, 175 degree 179A
G103-180-0300* N.O.S. Thermostats - 146 degrees & 165 degrees A261911 161
G200-708-4012 N.O.S. Torus drives 189
* T.O. Track Jacks B484
* T.O. Track Jacks, Armored (Small) 1" x 17 1/2" Screw A484
G200-563-6646 N.O.S. Transfer case countershaft gear set T.U. drive 279B
G200-657-6267 N.O.S. Transmission housing covers - (also Stuart) 2805 657 6267 131
G200-705-0948 N.O.S. Valve, relief, differential oil pressure with pin, 1 required 42D
G200-629-3236 N.O.S. Yoke, fan drive, universal joint B293236 971A
G200-560-8472 N.O.S. Yoke, transmission output 1204
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  • All parts N.O.S. unless marked T.O., N.O.S. / N.R. (Needs restoration)
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